
Flashback: Chicago Field Museum

October 2012

Finally back in our RV, we traveled to Chicago for a few days.  We could not find many campgrounds in the area and none near where Matt was working, so we boonedocked in a nearby WalMart parking lot. We are getting better at that -- finding places to dump tanks and fill up with water while on the road (a lot of Pilot gas stations.  Matt has an app on his phone that tells where the ones with RV services are).  We are then fine to spend a few days camping without any hookups.

While Matt was at a work meeting during the day, the kids and I drove the car downtown to the Field Museum.  This was our kids' third (I think) trip there.  We spent a lot of time in the Egyptian Mummy exhibit and throughout the Africa exhibit.  There was so much more to see that we didn't get to.  I hope we can go again soon!

 Weak:  these two would not have cut it as pyramid builders

Carnivorans:  the common ancestor of cats and dogs
Loved this exhibit.  
Did you know hyenas are more closely related to felines than canines?!

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